Have you ever heard about Hada Labo? Have you? If you never, let me story-mory to you a lil' bit about that. I've been used this product for only few weeks. Tak sampai sebotol pon lagi botol dia habis. And yet, I've found it is sooooo good. This product is recommended and must have for every-single-girl/women/lady. Seriously product ni sangat bagus. Especially the Moisturizing Lotion. Memang sangat best. For the first time you pakai pon, you boleh rasa perubahan dari sudut kelembutan kulit. Automatik jadi lembut gilaaa kulit muka. Sebab apa? Sebab this product is very rich with Hyaluronic Acid. I just love Hyaluronic Acid (HA) so much. Yes, I've tried the Hyaluronic Acid masker, but not from Hada Labo, but yet mmg best. Pasal masker tu later kita cerita. This entry I want to spend for this Moisturizing Lotion from Hada Labo. I've heard this Hada Labo is hot stuff kat Japan. A bottle is sold for every 2 minutes. Can you imagine how hot is this stuff? Hari tu pegi buat facial pon, my beautician tu cakap my face's skin is so soft and supple. Not to exaggerate, but that is what the beautician told me. Eventhough kulit I ni tak la selicin dan sebersih kulit Neelofa yang halus mulus cun gila tu, at least it's soft kan? Muahaha. This is what Mr. Google told me about the benefits of this Hyaluronic Acid. Cekidauttttt...
"It is a good food for your skin to help you for anti-aging. It's act as a collagen. HA and Collagen are vital to maintaining the skin’s layers and structure. It is the collagen that gives the skin its firmness but it is the HA that nourishes and hydrates the collagen. Imagine the collagen as the stretchy fibers that restore the skin back to shape when stretched. Collagen is like a rubber band but stretch that rubber band a million times, like what we do with our skin and without any moisture. Eventually that rubber band gets overstretched (saggy) and dried out and will most likely break. This is much the same way the collagen in our skin reacts leaving our skin in need of moisture. Now imagine that same rubber band stretched a million times while under water the whole time. Chances of that rubber band drying out and breaking are minimal. Consider the Hyaluronic Acid as the water that keeps the collagen moist and elastic. Collagen is continuously surrounded and nourished by the gelatinous HA substance. Young skin is smooth and highly elastic because it contains high concentrations of Hyaluronic Acid, which helps skin stay healthy. As we grow older, the body loses its ability to maintain this same concentration in the skin. With decreasing levels of HA in the skin, so goes the ability of the skin to hold water. The result, the skin becomes drier and loses its ability to maintain it's hydration. Hyaluronic Acid acts as a space filler by binding to water and thus keeping the skin wrinkle-free."
So, should I told you again? Got and get yours!
*You can buy this product at any Farmasi or shopping mall such as Watsons, Guardian, Tesco, Giant, Jusco, and where else?*
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